fredag 23. juli 2010

@ the office

Something is not right in this picture....hmm

1 kommentar:

  1. This is a picture from an office on the top-floor.
    2 sales-engineers heard this annoying seagull (see pic.) knocking on the skylight window with its beak. They tried to scare the seagull away unsuccessfully, and then decided to open the window! What happened next....the seagull fell down into the office! The poor seagull probably scared half to death started pooping all over the place, and the men fled the office.
    A quick-witted colleague found a big box and put it over the bird, put the lid on and carried it out of the building to release it. The "lucky" guy who let the seagull in had to clean the office, not the most refreshing job I can come to think of !! It made my day!
