mandag 14. februar 2011

What`s not to like

I live in a beautiful area of Norway with great opportunities to go hiking in the mountains, both in the summer and in the winter.
I want to share some of my experiences (when I have remembered to take my camera)

View towards Ørsta. You can see the Ørstafjord and the tallest peak around my hometown Ørsta, Saudehornet (1303m.)

The long ridge in the back is Nivane with Saudehornet to the right. Further to the right is Vassdalstinden.

The tallest peak in this picture is Kolåstinden, a very popular destination for off-piste skiing. There is a small glacier there, so you can go skiing at least until June. In the horizon, you can see towards Ålesund (the biggest city in the region with around 50.000 people).

This is the fantastic view to the east. You can see a tiny glimpse of the Hjørundfjord that runs to Geiranger, a popular tourist-destination (on UNESCO`s World Heritage List).

If you study the area in front of where I`m standing, you can easily see how the snow has been building up. When I came home I was told that some areas where I had been walking, I was standing on nothing but snow (with a vertical drop of hundreds of meter underneath me). I am going back up there later this year to see how it REALLY looks there.
The mountain in the back, Blåtinden, is the neighbouring mountain to Veirahaldet, and is also very popular for opp-piste skiing, but has a steeper drop, avalanches and you need to be quite skilled to go there (I don`t see myself going there in the near future) !

A nice view to the South. Bjørdalen to the right, also with excellent terrain to go skiing, both cross-country and off-piste.

In this picture you can see the ski-lift, and the track I followed up to the summit of Veirahaldet. To the right you can see lake Vatnevatnet, where my dads family-farm was until the mid 50`s and my surname comes from (Vatne).

Here`s another picture with Vatnevatnet, further in the back you can see the Voldafjord. The mountain to the right is Melshornet, between the two neighbouring cities Ørsta and Volda.

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