onsdag 27. juli 2011

My little country (mitt lille land)

A beautiful song that makes even more sense in this difficult time.

My little country, a small place where a handful of peace thrown out among the plains and the sea.
My little country, where high mountains are planted between the house and people and words.
Where silence and dreams grow. As an echo in the barren soil.

My little country, where the sea gently stroking the back, who caress from coast to coast.
My little country, where the stars slip by and become a landscape when it is light, while at night, is pale and silent.

mandag 25. juli 2011

A nation in sorrow

There are no words that can escribe what I feel right now.

Watching the pictures from this link makes me sad, but also gives me comfort and an assurance that the strength in people will prevail over the evil that has happened.


Til Ungdommen (To The Youth)

Faced by your enemies
On every hand
Battle is menacing,
Now make your stand

Fearful your question,
Defenceless, open
What shall I fight with?
Where is my weapon?

Here is your battle plan,
Here is your shield
Faith in this life of ours,
The common weal

For all our children’s sake,
Save it, defend it,
Pay any price you must,
They shall not end it

Neat stacks of cannon shells,
Row upon row
Death to the life you love,
All that you know

War is contempt for life,
Peace is creation
Death’s march is halted
By determination

We all deserve the world,
Harvest and seed
Hunger and poverty
Are born of greed

Don’t turn your face away
From needs of others
Reach out a helping hand
To all your brothers

Here is our solemn vow,
From land to land
We will protect our world
From tyrants’ hand

Defend the beautiful,
Gentle and innocent
Like any mother would
Care for her infant.

søndag 24. juli 2011

Terror strikes Oslo

When I saw the live recording from the bombing in Oslo it was difficult to understand that something like this could happen in peaceful Norway.
The Norwegian TV-channels broadcasted live from the streets, it looked unreal....
A government building in downtown Oslo severely damaged by a car-bomb, people screaming in pain and fear. Reports came in of casualties.

An hour later the report came of a shooting-incident at Utøya, where the Labour Party held their annual youth camp. At first they reported 9-10 dead.
Then reports came from surviving youths...it was a massacre. One man, disguised as a police officer had shot and massacred innocent youths, not stopping until at least 68 youths were dead.

This quote from one of the survivors of Utøya, Stine Renate Håheim, gives me strength and comfort in this troubled time: "If one man can show so much hate, think how much love we all can show together".

I am thankful that my family are safe and unharmed. My heart ache for those who lost their life because of this tragic cowardly terror-act, and for those who have lost their loved ones.

I pray that they will find strength to make it through this difficult time.